Join Our Team

With the popularity of housing related TV channels and shows there’s been an increased interest in people getting involved in real estate sales over the past few years. Real estate sales can be a rewarding career or part time job when the proper time and effort is put into learning the business.
Occasionally, we will consider adding agents that will complement our current team, hence the word complement. You will complement our team if you possess the following:
Experience with dealing with people,
A willingness to learn,
An understanding that good customer service is a key component to long term business success,
A desire to help people, and
An acceptance and understanding of technology.
You’ll notice that real estate experience wasn’t mentioned, but a reference to dealing with people was mentioned three times! At Barnes Real Estate Group, providing quality customer service, and working in the customer best interest is a priority.
If you have an interest in real estate sales and would like to learn more about becoming a member of Barnes Real Estate Group, please click here to submit your resume and in the message regarding your interest in this industry.